Kaneland McDole Parent/Teacher Organization (KME‐PTO)
Volunteer Code of Conduct
We value our volunteers and the many hours of service they provide, and therefore have developed the following Code of Conduct as part of our procedures for working successfully with the school. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to help protect the volunteers, school and KME‐PTO.
Keep your promises. If you say you will do something, please fulfill your obligations to the very best of your ability. If you cannot fulfill your promise, please immediately notify an Executive Board Member so appropriate steps may be taken.
Be respectful. Respect the KME‐PTO rules, administration, teachers, staff, students, and each other.
Remember the purpose of the KME‐PTO. “To enhance our children’s educational environment by encouraging a sense of support, pride and enthusiasm. In conjunction, the KME‐PTO will strive to provide an environment and resources that will help stimulate the growth of our children and maintain the highest advantages in mental, physical and social education. The KME‐PTO will accomplish these goals through the efforts of fundraising and by providing communication between school and home.”
Be open‐minded. Look for ways to improve the organization, a function or an event. View situations from an organization‐wide perspective. Listen to others’ ideas, suggestions and solutions.
Be a team player. You have a unique set of gifts and talents to bring to the PTO. Use them to the best of your ability, and allow others to do the same.
Take pride in your task, your PTO and your school. When you volunteer, you represent the KME PTO. Do your best – it is a reflection of you and the organization. Do not complain – offer a solution, instead.
Maintain confidentiality. It is important to respect and protect personal information you may encounter during volunteering or meetings.
Code of Conduct for PTO Meetings
PTO meetings are reserved for reading the minutes, presenting budget information, discussing old business and new business and hearing current updates. Votes and majority decisions made by the Executive Board are final and binding. Criticism of individual teachers, administrators or parents is not permitted in open meetings or executive sessions. Any individual problems should be taken outside of the meeting and should be addressed with either the President of the KME‐PTO or the Principal of Kaneland McDole Elementary School in accordance with school policy and KME‐PTO By‐Laws.
Adherence to Code
This Code of Conduct represents the minimum standards of behavior and performance. The Code cannot cover every conceivable type of situation volunteers may encounter, but it is intended to be used as a guide during KME‐PTO events and meetings. This Code of Conduct document will be made available during the PTO meetings and through online communication tools. All volunteers, meeting attendees and Executive Board Members shall adhere to these standards or shall be subject to possible removal from the KME‐PTO volunteering.